Info below:

Info below:
Connect with your Sunday School Class here.
Sunday School Class
1. To join by phone conference call: Dial 346-248-7799. When asked, enter meeting ID 931 0892 3708. When asked enter Passcode 184660. Please press *6 to Mute your phone if you are not speaking.
2. To join by video on your computer or phone below:
3. Cut and paste this link in any browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, or etc.)
Invite Link: https://zoom.us/j/93108923708?pwd=MU5uU3dYTVVyV0pjSWU0dEFSQitsZz09
4. If you are prompted enter Meeting ID931 0892 3708 and then enter Passcode 184660.
5. Or open the Zoom app, tap Join and enter Meeting ID184660 and then Passcode 184660

Jackson Carraway Unity Sunday School Class
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 960 3224 2683 Passcode:950265
One tap mobile: 1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 960 3224 2683
Passcode: 950265

Men's Class
1. To join by phone conference call: Dial 346-248-7799. When asked, enter meeting ID 951 7916 9014#, When asked enter Passcode 906461#. Please press *6 to Mute your phone if you are not speaking.
2. To join by video on your computer or phone: a. Cut and paste this link in any browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, or etc.)
If you are prompted enter Meeting ID 951 7916 9014 and then enter Passcode 906461.
a. Or open the Zoom app, tap Join and enter Meeting ID 951 7916 9014 and then Passcode 906461.