SAUMC Leadership

Our Pastor
Rev. Carol Grant Gibson
Rev. Carol Grant Gibson is a graduate of Wiley College in Marshall, Texas with a degree in Business Administration.
She acknowledged her calling into the ministry in 1989 and began seminary in 1990 earning a Master of Divinity Degree from Perkins School of Theology from Southern Methodist University Campus in Dallas, Texas.
Pastor Gibson past appointments includes Mt. Calvary UMC Wichita Falls TX, St. Johns and St. Paul UMC in eorgetown TX, Bracks and Springhill
UMC in Waco, TX.
Pastor Gibson's community involvement has included Let's Talk Fort Worth Community Forum and the LaSalle Beautification Committee.
She is presently involved in the Black Church Studies Advisory Board at Texas Christian University Brite Divinity School, the Tarrant Area Council of Churches, Ecumenical Fellowship of Churches, Community Partner with Van
Zandt-Guinn Elementary School's Site Based Decision Making (SBDM) Committee, the Pastoral Care Advisory Board and Brite Divinity School, and the John Peter Smith Hospital's Pastoral Advisory Board.
Pastor Gibson is a recipient of the distinguished Binai' Brith Award for her community work in social ethics by Perkins School of Theology.
As a United Methodist clergy, Pastor Gibson currently participates on the and committees with in the denomination to include the conference Ordained Ministry, Conference Relations Committee, District Finance Committee, Commission on Inclusiveness, African Americans in Ministry and chair of the Black Church Consultation Planning Team.
She has served as a District and Conference pastoral mentor and as an alternate delegate to Jurisdictional Conference.
Pastor Gibson is the proud mother of three (3) children: Quinton Jr (wife-Cieandres), Charmaine, and Stephen; and grandmother to three (3) girls and two (2) boys.

Wednesday Noon Encouragement & Prayer Moment
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